Feb 14-15 Topic: Valentine 24-hour Marathon & Bingo
Time: 6am Sunday-6am EST Monday
Zoom-ID: 959 959 1828, pswd. 718863
Phone: +13126266799
Hosts: Pinelis IG
Website: oapinellas.org
Feb 21 Topic: Get a Sponsor & Follow Directions
Time: 4pm-7pm EST
Zoom-ID: 947 2125 9974, pswd. 810562
Phone: 301-715-8592
Hosts: OARise
Website: OArise.org
Feb 20-21 Topic: There is a Solution – OA Virtual Region Convention
Time: Saturday 5pm – Sunday 9:30pm EST
Zoom-ID – go to website to register & get link
Hosts: OA Virtual Region
Website: oavirtualconvention.org
Feb 27 Topic: Unity Day
Time: 1pm-3pm EST
Zoom-ID: 83187662508, pswd 224627
Hosts: Piedmont IG
Website: piedmontintergroup.org